
Voice lesson


Voice -


About me


Voice Training

Your personal success is directly linked to your ability to communicate. How you speak and what your voice sounds like is essential in presentation. To work to improve the voice, the breathing and the body language is necessary for everyone involved in communication.

Business training both individually and in groups to be adjusted after experience and previous knowledge. Practical body and voice exercises will strengthen the voice and improve the presentation skills. A freer voice gives you the opportunity to express yourself more nuanced. You can emphasise your words and make a greater impact with your speech.

Develop the skills of the co-workers and let them benefit from voice, body and breathing exercises. To anchor and deepen the respiration will have a calming effect in a stressful situation and hence enhance the communication.

To take care of teachers voices should be a standard procedure in schools. While teaching, the voice will daily meet difficulties and challanges and teachers are at high risk to lose their voices.

Even after half a day practial training you will see the connetion between breathing, body and posture and you will improve your ability to master your voice. With new skills in mind, we continue with communication and presentation training.

New skills and further education for professional pedagogues!

In teaching pedagogues, already familiar with voice technique, I will dig more deep into theory and practical training of the voice. New ideas will broaden the mind and make the pedagogue more aware of the physical functions of the voice, hence strengthen the ability to teach. Furthermore I offer masterclasses for singing students, an exciting and developing experience both for the student and the audience.

Senast uppdaterad: 2016-09-01 | © Copyright Vocalux 2016